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Kolikk: En fembarnsmammas refleksjon rundt gråt og smerte

Colic: A mother of five's reflection on crying and pain

Written by Eleni Larsen

What exactly is colic?
Did you know that research has not been able to prove that colic is caused by pain? Colic is a collective term for situations where infants cry a lot for no known reason. As a mother of five, I have known despair and powerlessness, but also the hope of finding solutions. Read my thoughts on colic, research and how we can help babies have calmer days.

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Hvordan håndtere stress og utmattelse når babyen har kolikk

How to deal with stress and exhaustion when the baby has colic

Written by Eleni Larsen
Becoming a parent is a life-changing experience filled with joy and anticipation. But when the...
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Langsiktige konsekvenser av kolikk: Hva sier forskningen?

Long-term consequences of colic: What does the research say?

Written by Eleni Larsen
Having a baby with colic can be a challenging and stressful experience for parents. Although c...
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Slik er det å ha en baby med kolikk

This is what it's like to have a baby with colic

Written by Eleni Larsen
Becoming a parent is one of life's greatest joys, but when the little one starts crying incons...
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Hva er kolikk hos spedbarn?

What is colic in infants?

Written by Eleni Larsen
Colic is a condition that affects many infants in the first months of life. It is characterize...
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Vår Historie

Our History, the way to Colic Button®

Written by Eleni Larsen
Fourteen years ago, my husband and I experienced unparalleled joy when we finally became parents ...
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