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Colic: A mother of five's reflection on crying and pain

Kolikk: En fembarnsmammas refleksjon rundt gråt og smerte

As a mother of five children, I have experienced most things - from tears of joy to sleepless nights. One topic that always creates debate among parents is colic. Why does my baby cry so much? Does it hurt? What can I do to help? As both mum and founder of Colic Button, I have often reflected on what colic really is and why it happens.

Many people think that colic is about stomach pain. It is perhaps not so strange, because when the baby pulls its legs up to the stomach and the cry is heartbreaking, we instinctively think that something hurts. But did you know that research has not actually been able to prove that colic is caused by pain? There is no clear medical explanation for why some babies cry so much, and colic has therefore become a collective term for situations where infants cry intensely and without a known cause.

So what do we know? Colic is not a disease, but a pattern. Babies who cry a lot, often and for a long time are otherwise healthy, but they may not be able to stop crying themselves. This could mean that their nervous system is immature, or that they are extra sensitive to the stimuli around them. Maybe they just need a little extra help to find peace.

As a mother, I have felt the frustration and despair. You try everything – rocking, carrying, changing your diet – but the crying continues. It was this feeling that inspired me to develop the Colic Button, a solution that can help babies break the crying pattern in a natural and gentle way. I know there is no magic button that solves everything, but I hope the Colic Button can be a small light in the tunnel for parents who are in this demanding phase.

I think it is important that we as parents support each other, share experiences and recognize that we are doing our best. Colic is still a mystery, but with more research and understanding, we may one day get answers to what's behind it. Until then, let's talk about it, share it and most importantly, help each other through it.

From one mum to another - you are not alone. 💕